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房  伟→ 幽灵军(外一篇)
房  伟→ 重塑历史的现代精神(创作谈)
刘大先→ 历史幽灵的自我救赎(评论)
曹军庆→ 一桩时过境迁的强奸案
但  及→ 莲花
国  生→ 声音
起  子→ 阳光照在我的眼皮上
默  默→ 默默说东道西(七则)
陈洪金→ 苗乡的血性
李  浩→ 缓慢转身的书虫(组诗)
惠  子→ 我的母亲父亲(组诗)
张好好→ 山风阵阵(组诗)
卢冶 王玉玊 金赫楠→ “文学类型与类型文学”笔谈(二)
田  原→ 关于诗歌(四则)
Contents(No.9, September 2016)
Texts Inside and Outside
Fang Wei, The Phantom Army, and Another Piece
Fang Wei, Reshaping the Modern Spirit of History: On Writing
Liu Da-xian, A History Specter of Self-Salvation: Comment
Story Garden
Cao Jun-qing, A Rape Case of Circumstances that Have Changed with the Passage of Time
Dan Ji, Lotus
Guo Sheng, Sound
New Writer
Qi Zi, The Sun Is Shining on My Eyelids
Essays and Jottings
Mo Mo, Random Talks (seven pieces)
Chen Hong-jin, The Strong Temperament of Integrity of Miao in the Miller Dongzhai Township
Poems Selected by the Poets Themselves
Li Hao, The Bookworm Turns around Slowly (sequence)
Hui Zi, My Parents (sequence)
Zhang Hao-hao, The Mountain Wind Is Blowing (sequence)
Wide Field of Vision
Lu Ye, Wang Yu-su and Jin He-nan, A Panel Discussion by Pen: "Literary Genre and Type of Literature."(II)
Tian Yuan, About Poetry (four pieces)
Visual Arts
Japanese Miniature Gardens: Small Traditional Gardens that Reflect a Vast Landscape
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co., Ltd. presents the libraries of 100 world famous universities with Mountain Flowers