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  Jidi Majia is one of the greatest contemporary Chinese poets, his poetry neither seeks complex metaphors nor lures the reader with complexities of the language; it rather suggests a model of pure, narrative poesy, surprising with an aphoristic lines capable of capturing ephemeral states of being, frames of mind, or premonitions of ghosts in the beyond. His poetry highlights a sense of belonging to family and to a definite ethnic group which retained its rituals and gave rise to an integral culture. Within that sphere masterworks of art and elements of a national epic, Hnewo Tepyy, were created and modified down through the generations by bimo priests. Majia—following in their footsteps—creates modern poetry, which reaches wide masses in China and all over the world. There are more and more translations of his poems, and each time it turns out that they perfectly fit the new language. This happens due to the universality of his themes and the lightness of his language, his prayerful and elegiac tone, his expansive praise and delicate lyricism. For centuries, China has been the land of real poetry, of great thinkers and poets, this is also a land well-oriented in the trends of contemporary verse. Achieving literary success is extremely difficult there, and it is made more difficult due to a tendency of chasing after European or American patterns. Majia follows extraordinary models, cites great poets of the world, but never fails to forget the cultural poetry, which he acquired among small villages on the border between Sichuan and Yunnan. Listening to stories of bimo, to mothers and elders, to hunters returning with the kill, he developed particular sensitivity to elemental features of nature and the call coming from distant voids of the cosmos. Listening to the echo of creation, delineating proportions and naming hues, making out animals in secluded spaces of mountain ranges, highest peaks and valleys, the poet is at the same time a creative thinker and the last member of his clan, sadly reminiscing of the world gone forever. And although it is born again in new poems and human minds of next generations, nothing will bring back the ashes of the dead to life. To be the poet of the Nuosu means to be the guardian of memory, a witness harkening back to what was achieved; it means to embark on time’s stream, just like everything around, constantly creating a story about time and the past, about the inevitable merging of being onto the death and eternity. Without doubt, the poetry of Jidi Majia casts such a spell, and the poet is growing into the most important spiritual bimo of his nation. Standing proudly on a rock, leaning over the surface of a mountain lake, looking into dying eyes of deer, an eagle, a trout, he utters elemental truths and generates lyrical substance, which tugs at heartstrings and become an intellectual context for simple life in accordance with nature and ancient ceremonies, taking place in the homeland and in distant regions of the universe.
  Poland’s Janicki Prize, 2017
  克莱门斯·雅尼茨基是波兰文艺复兴时期的代表人物,出身贫苦农家,离家后进入格涅兹诺和波兹南的学校就读。在波兹南的路布朗斯基学院,他在约翰·丹蒂夏克、斯坦尼斯劳斯·赫修斯主教、1536年曾任学校秘书的安德鲁·拉迪斯劳斯大主教的照管下学习。他在拉丁文文学领域表现突出,克拉科夫省行政长官彼得·克米塔将他带到自己的官邸,帮助他全面发展。在一位富人赞助下,他到帕多瓦游学,并于1540年在帕多瓦大学获得哲学博士学位。教皇保罗三世封他为桂冠诗人(该头衔相当于拉丁语时代的诺贝尔文学奖)。回到家乡后,他成功地创作了多种诗歌。1543年他在克拉科夫去世,并被埋葬在那里。克莱门斯·雅尼茨基文学奖首任评委会主席是波兰作协主席彼得・昆采维奇(Piotr Kuncewicz,1936-2007),波兰作家、诗人杨・古莱茨-罗辛斯基(Jan Górec-Rosiński,1920-2012),耶日・苏里玛-卡明斯基(Jerzy Sulima-Kamiński,1928-2002),安杰伊・K.瓦希凯维奇(Andrzej K. Waśkiewicz,1941-2012),尼科斯・哈基尼科拉乌(Nikos Chadzinikolau,1935-2009)等都曾担任过评委会主席和评委。波兰许多重要诗人和作家都先后获得过此奖,2015年度获得该奖的是波兰女诗人、文学评论家、翻译家、记者卡丽娜・伊莎贝拉・乔瓦(Kalina Izabela Zioła),从2016年开始,该奖项的评选范围已扩大到国际。
  Ianicius Prize was initiated in Poland the early nineties of the twentieth century and was granted by the quarterly magazine "Metaphor." After the death of the editor of this journal, he passed under the wing of the quarterly philological-art "Theme", which will be admitted annually. Now Prize have international character and promotes original artistic creativity in art, literature and music, as well as in journalistic activity. Klemens Janicki (Ianicius) was Polish humanist Renaissance period in Europe. He came from a poor peasant family, and after leaving the family home, he attended the school of Gniezno and Poznan.
  Educated in Lubranski Academy in Poznan, he has gained custody of John Dantyszek, Bishop Stanislaus Hosius, Archbishop Andrew Ladislaus, which was secretary in 1536. In recognition of his services in the field of Latin literature, Krakow province governor Piotr Kmita, took him to his court and allowed the all-round development. A wealthy patron facilitated him a trip to study in Padova, where in 1540 he received a degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Padova. Pope Paul III bestowed him a poetic laurels and gave the title: Poetae laureatus (It was like Nobel Prizes in latin language times). After returning home, he created with great success the songs of many species. He died in 1543 in Krakow and was buried there. The first President of the Chamber of Ianicius Prize was Piotr Kuncewicz (1936-2007), President of Polish Writers' Union. Some other Polish writers and poets, including Jan Górec-Rosiński (1920-2012), Jerzy Sulima-Kamiński(1928-2002), Andrzej K. Waśkiewicz(1941-2012)and Nikos Chadzinikolau(1935-2009), once served as President or member of Chamber of Prize. Many important poets and writers of Poland have been the laureates of this prize. Ms. Kalina Izabela Ziola, a Polish poet, literary critic and translator, has won the prize in 2015. Since 2016, the range of candidates of the prize has extented to foreign writers.
  In present Chamber of Prize are international intellectuals, writers, professors, critics and artist: Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda (President), Gagik Davtian (Armenia), Vardan Hakobyan (Karabach), Lam Quang My (Vietnam), Hatif Janabi (Irak), Metin Celal (Turkiye), Claudio Pozzani (Italy), Jaroslav Pijarowski (Poland), Wieslav Marcysiak (Poland).