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  尊敬的Anna副馆长、Alexey Filimonov先生、Alexey Anatol`evich Rodionov先生,诸位俄、中诗歌界的亲爱的朋友们,女士们、先生们,大家好:
  文学读者都有一个很难克服的心理倾向:吃到了美味的鸡蛋,就想见见那只生蛋的母鸡,至少看看母鸡生活下蛋的场域和环境。俄罗斯是这样一个生养了许多伟大的文学母鸡的国度。多年来,很多中国诗人做梦都想来俄罗斯进行文学朝圣、心灵洗礼,单纯做个游客,他们又觉得不过瘾,所以希望我能张罗组织这样的一场交流会。今天终于成功举行,而且是在St. Petersburg这样的世界文学之都、阿赫玛托娃故居博物馆这样的文学圣殿举行。诗友们,这是历史上第一个中国诗歌代表团访问俄罗斯。让我们记住这非凡而重大的时刻。
  我要特别感谢Anna副馆长、Alexey Filimonov先生、Alexey Anatol`evich Rodionov先生等俄方人士对交流会所付出的辛苦劳动、所做出的宝贵贡献。尤其是Filimonov先生。本次活动是由国际丝路诗社今年主办的最重要的诗会。作为诗社的常务副社长,他从一开始就帮我一起策划、联络和组织,利用他自己的声望、人脉和资源,把此次交流活动做得如此有声有色、几近完美。再次感谢您,Filimonov先生,我的诗歌兄弟。

  Speech at Russia-China Poetry Meeting
  By Bei Ta (head of Chinese delegation of poets,
  president of International Silk Road Poetry Society,
  Standing Vice General Secretary of World Congress of Poets)
  Esteemed curator Ms. Anna, Mr. Alexey Filimonov, Mr. Rodionov, dear poets from both Russia and China, ladies and gentlemen:
  First of all, please forgive me that I, as a lover of Russian literature, cannot speak Russian. I hope in the near future I can communicate with Russian friends by speaking Chinese, not English. I know that in this great country, Chinese education is in the ascendant. Some of the guests here are very good at Chinese, for example, Mr. Rodionov, who is a well-known Sinologist as the vice-dean of the Eastern Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. I really hope that more and more Russian people can grasp Chinese so that we do not need English as a medium in our future communication just like that USD is not necessary as a medium in bilateral trades.
  There is a long history of literary communication between our two countries.
  As early as in 1759, Sumarokov, the Russian classist dramatist and poet translated and published a fragment of a monologue of the Chinese great tragedy “Zhao’s Orphan”. That tragedy was written by Ji Junxiang, a great dramatist in Yuan Dynasty in the late 13c and was very famous in European literary world in the 18c. Sumarokov translated that fragment into Russian from German while that German version was translated from French. Look! Cultural communications, especially the early ones, could not avoid “medium”, the disgusting fellow! Nowadays in Russia, many experts are indulged in studying and translating Chinese poetry. Mr. Filimonov and Mr. Rodionov have made remarkable efforts and contributions like diligent and outstanding bees. Mr. Filimonov have translated lots of my poems into Russian and had them published in periodicals both in Russia and Finland. This time, he volunteered to translate poems of our delegation all by himself.
  As early as in the year 1900 (at the end of Qing Dynasty), 3 fable poems by ИванАндреевичКрылов (Clerov) were translated into Chinese and published in China (it was interpreted by Allen, Young John, a reputed missionary from USA and written down by Ren Tingxu, a Chinese scholar).
  In the past more than 100 years, 4 or 5 generations of Chinese intellectuals have been interested in reading and learning Russian literature. My adopted father was once a carpenter, who had to end his education in junior middle school, yet he had some books of Russian literature at home. When I was a junior middle school pupil, I read those books. In my senior middle school, I read a lot of Russian poetry. At that time I did not have money to buy books so that I had to copy many poems by Pushkin, Lermontov and Tyutchev, etc. by hand. Most of the members of Chinese delegation here had the “predestined” relationships with Russian literature similar to mine or even complex of Russian literature, for example, Mr. Yi Dian, the oldest famous poet of our delegation.
  Literary readers have an inclination difficult for themselves to overcome: after having tasted delicious eggs, they want to see the hen who has delivered the eggs, at least the field and environment where the hen lives. Russia is one of the very places where there are lots of great literary hens. For many years, many Chinese poets have dreamed of coming to take a literary pilgrim and heart baptism. They would have felt unsatisfactory if they would come to Russia just as tourists. They hope that I can organize a communication with Russian poets. Today finally it is successfully done in St. Petersburg--- such a great city of world literature and at Akhmatova House Museum --- such a memorial shrine. All my poet friends, this is the first Chinese delegation of poets visiting Russia. Let’s remember this unusual and important moment.
  I’d like to express my sincere gratitude toward curator Mr. Anna, Mr. Filimonov, Mr. Rodionov and all those who have made great efforts and done treasured contributions for this communication. My special thanks would turn to Mr. Filimonov. This meeting is the most important poetry activities held by International Silk Road Poetry Society. As the standing deputy president of the society, Mr. Filimonov helped me plan, organize and prosecute this meeting at the very beginning. Without employing his reputation, human resources and social connections, our meeting could never be so colorful and almost perfect. Thank you again, Filimonov, my poet brother.
  At last, I’d like express my affectionate gratitude toward all dear poets from both Russia and China. Thank you very much!